New Place to Stay in Ogami
Sencer Suite
In 2023 we received a very generous donation from dear friends Susan Kotulak and Ron Sencer, founders of the OkiDoki Anagama in the Hudson Valley of New York, for the purpose of building additional more comfortable accommodations. After consulting a number of architects we settled on a young local designer, Kazumasa Shige, who came up with a wonderful design. We broke ground in late September 2023, and it was completed in May 2024.
The new facility has 2 bedrooms, one with a loft and a private toilet. There is also another toilet and full bath. This completes the plan to offer accommodations for every comfort level: from a tent and dorm space, and up to a private bedroom with private bath.
We hope this space will offer comfortable accommodations not only to people attending workshops, but also pottery lovers traveling through Japan.
I cannot thank Sue and Ron enough. They are two people who want to see, and have the capacity, to make the world a better place.